What is simulation?

As seen in timetable planning (link), the level of modelling details is still relatively low (macroscopic and mesoscopic). Therefore, it is not suitable for very detailed studies such as determining the line capacity or headway.

That is why simulation is needed. It runs on microscopic data. To name a few, signals, turnouts, track circuits, speed, alignment data and rolling stock. Further, the signals and turnouts can be placed to the nearest meter, switching time of a turnout can be given, the route reservation and release time can be set and the timestep of simulations can go as low as 1 second.

Why simulate?

With simulation, we can look into the details. We can analyse and determine

  • Running time
  • Technical headway
  • Line capacity
  • Rolling stock
  • Braking curve
  • Signalling verification

On top of that, simulation can also be used for verification purpose. Since it is a model, we can set up possible scenarios to test the best signalling or turnout location to solve bottleneck issues. Therefore, this can save on cost and time by avoiding unnecessary changes on the real track if a test scenario fails.

Nevertheless, a simulation model is not a direct copy of the signalling plan. It actually consists of different layers of information from operation, signalling, timetable and dispatching.

We have experts who have experience in modelling any types of signalling (CBTC, ETCS, discrete fixed block, high speed, people movers, trams) and in implementing operational rules of countries from Europe to South East Asia regions.

Rail Systems Engineering